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This example uses the maintenance and capabilities APIs and a deployment task to enable an end-to-end delivery pipeline for your bamboo remote agents.

Publish agent configuration through and build pipeline and publish the updates. Agents then completely tear down and rebuild themselves from source at specified target version whether using docker, chef, ansible, etc.

New task and Polling API available in 3.0 +

Build & Release pipeline includes canary agents and smoke testing.

Uses dedicated canary agent for build pipeline to validate latest release before publishing to all agents.

While the canary agent is offline performing maintenance, the plan will wait to resume with smoke tests.

Configure optional Deployment Task to set the latest release version in Chaperone API

Now any remote agents will see a new version when they poll, and initiate upgrade process.  Chaperone rules ensure no more than n agents are offline at once.

 Click here to expand sample script to use this process.
Output from Sample script

Shows that process waited while one agent was already undergoing maintenance, and then as it waits again while a running build completes.

Requesting maintenance window from master server
Master server wants me to wait, this is my 1 attempt.
WAIT_FOR_SIBLINGS: 1 agents alreaddy updating, please check back soon.
Master server wants me to wait, this is my 2 attempt.
WAIT_FOR_SIBLINGS: 1 agents alreaddy updating, please check back soon.
Master server says I can upgrade to version 1.2
Agent is still running a job, waiting ..
    still busy..
    still busy..
    still busy..
    Yay, agent is now idle!
Agent was given permission, and is now disabled and idle, starting upgrade
beep bop, upgrading and saving task ID to file.
## server likely reboots one or several times, all but a single critical file with task ID remains from the former agent.
Reporting Task : 4 complete to

Call this script from a cronjob every night, week, or at a regular interval that meets your needs. If using the polling API you can run every few minutes for more rapid rollout of updates. (See also monit example)

The Script

This is a maintenance script that assumes we already polled the server and found a new target version.

Full Agent Upgrade

# Agent ID can be hard coded, but is easily pulled from the running system
agentId=`cat ~/bamboo-agent-home/bamboo-agent.cfg.xml | grep -oPm1 "(?<=<id>)[^<]+"`

#check for required libraries/tools (optional)
command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "Required tool 'curl' not found" ;exit 2; }
#grab uuid for this environment of local path (again this can ve hard coded depending on our use case)
uuid=`cat /opt/bamboo/management/token.uuid`

# make a tmp dir for cookie jar and other random files we'll make
TMPDIRD=`mktemp -d /tmp/agentMaintenance.XXXXXX` || exit 1

# Bamboo api is quirky and even for "anonymous" access you need a cookie with the site info.  Just hit the homepage first 
#  WARNING any other API calls fail without a valid cookie !!!
curl -k -c $TMPDIRD/cookies "$bambooUrl" > /dev/null 2>&1
bambooUrl="" #domain, port and context without environment prefixes (currently mocked for testing. )
#  Waiting rules if master reports too many other agents offline currently.
SIBLING_PATIENCE_TIME=60 # will wait 1 minutes between subsequent checks
SIBLING_PATIENCE_COUNT=15 # will check back 15 times before giving up.
# Edit this to do whatever is considered a local upgrade.  It's called if server gives us permission

    # save taskID to a file we can use after restart
    cp $TMPDIRD/state.txt ~/finishTaskOnStartup.txt
	# Use version to download from repo
	echo "downloading Agent version ${PVERSION}
	#curl "https//${PVERSION}   # i.e. nexus/artifactory/fileshare rpm/tarball, etc.
    # shutdown local process
	echo "killing local bamboo agent"
    pkill -9 -f bamboo-agent-home
    # clear any previously set capabilities
	echo "purging old capabilities"
    curl -X DELETE -k -b $TMPDIRD/cookies "$bambooUrl/rest/agents/latest/$agentId/capabilities?uuid=${uuid}" -o $TMPDIRD/state.txt 2>/dev/null
    # call commands, chef, puppet, docker, REAL WORK, etc here.
    echo "beep bop, upgrading to version ${PVERSION} and saving task ID to file."
    ## this should include re-defining capabilities via
    ## clear any temporary space, old artifacts, etc.
    ## completely rebuild from an imaage in source (docker, etc)
	echo "Install complete, rebooting server"
#  (unless you know why :) )
## we use function recursion to track # of attempts before giving up
let attempts=1
    curl -X POST -k -b $TMPDIRD/cookies  "$bambooUrl/rest/agents/latest/$agentId/maintenance?uuid=${uuid}"  -o $TMPDIRD/state.txt 2>/dev/null
    # MOnitor status until the agent is idle
    source $TMPDIRD/state.txt
    if [ "$PCODE" == "YES_CHILD" ]
        #server says we can upgrade, make sure we are idle.
        echo "Master server says I can upgrade to version ${PVERSION}"
        if [ "$BUSY"  == "true" ]; then
            printf "\tAgent is still running a job, waiting ..\n"
            # while polling, and is still running, slee
            while [ $running -eq 1 ]
                sleep 60
                curl -k -b $TMPDIRD/cookies "$bambooUrl/rest/agents/latest/$agentId/state.text" -o $TMPDIRD/state.txt 2>/dev/null
                source $TMPDIRD/state.txt
                if [ "$BUSY"  == "false" ]; then
                    printf "\tYay, agent is now idle!\n"
                    printf "\tstill busy..\n"
    elif [ "$PCODE" == "WAIT_FOR_SIBLINGS" ]
        # allowed to upgrae, but too many others are working right now, check back in a few
        echo "Master server wants me to wait, this is my $attempts attempt."
        echo "${PCODE}: ${PMESSAGE}"
        if [ $attempts -gt $SIBLING_PATIENCE_COUNT ]
            echo "Siblings have exhausted my patience. INcrease wait times, offset cycles, or increase concurrency"
            exit 9
        let attempts+=1
        checkBambooMaster #will recurse back into this functuion
    elif [ "$PCODE" == "NO_CHILD" ]
        echo "Master server says I can not upgrade now."
        echo "$PCODE: $PMESSAGE"
        exit 0
    elif [ "$PCODE" == "UH_OH" ]
        echo "ERROR:  Master server is reporting an issue."
        echo "$PCODE: $PMESSAGE ,  existing Task ID: $TASK"
        exit 0
        echo "ERROR:  I don't understand server response!"
        cat $TMPDIRD/state.txt
        exit 9
# disable agent in bamboo if allowed
echo "Requesting maintenance window from master server ${bambooUrl}"
# assume success as function above exits on NOs. So call out heavy lifting function for maintenance.
echo "Agent was given permission, and is now disabled and idle, starting upgrade"

## some time passes as bits are chewed and copied

## Server is now restarted either by reboot or call to java -jar atlassian-agent....
echo "starting java wrapper.."
java -jar atlassian-bamboo-agent-installer-5.7.1.jar ${bambooUrl}/bamboo/agentServer/

# Report maintenance complete to master server
# grab task ID from task file
#               PCODE=YES_CHILD
#               PMESSAGE="you may upgrade once idle"
#               PVERSION=1.2
#               ENABLED=false
#               BUSY=false
#               TASK=1
source ~/finishTaskOnStartup.txt
echo "Reporting Task : ${TASK} complete to ${bambooUrl}"
curl -X PUT -k -b $TMPDIRD/cookies  "$bambooUrl/rest/agents/latest/$agentId/maintenance/${TASK}/finish ?uuid=${uuid}"   2>/dev/null

# all done.   brand new or refreshed agent is back online, and others may not take their turn.

Triggering maintenance with monit

You can use the maintenance APIs outside of full rebuilds. One example is using monit to simply cleanup temporary file systems.

Monit is a small Open Source utility for managing and monitoring Unix systems. Monit conducts automatic maintenance and repair and can execute meaningful causal actions in error situations.
# ensure Bamboo agent has enough disc space every 10 minutes
check filesystem bamboo with path /bamboo
        EVERY 10 CYCLES
        if space usage > 80% then
        exec "/bamboo/scripts/"
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