View Agent State

reports the agents name, ID, build status and enabled/disabled state.

GET /rest/agent/1.0/{ID}?uuid={tokenId}   
  "id": 131073,
  "name": "Default Agent",
  "enabled": true,
  "busy": false

View Agent State - Shell Consumable Text

reports the agents name, ID, build status and enabled/disabled state As a file that can be consumed with a shells 'source' command.

This is useful inside a loop to wait for existing builds to finish before taking action on the host server.


GET /rest/agent/1.0/{agentId}/text?uuid={tokenId}



Disable Agent

Removes the agent from the active build pool. Existing builds will complete. 

POST /rest/agent/1.0/{agentId}/disable?uuid={tokenId}
  "id": 131073,
  "name": "Default Agent",
  "enabled": false,
  "busy": false

Enable Agent

Removes the agent from the active build pool. Existing builds will complete. 

POST /rest/agent/1.0/{agentId}/enable?uuid={tokenId}
  "id": 131073,
  "name": "Default Agent",
  "enabled": true,
  "busy": false